How Technology & Social Media Has Affected Our Society
In today’s society, technology has become an essential part of people's everyday lives. People cannot go a day, let alone a few hours without checking their notifications and social media, myself included. Even when my phone does not buzz with notifications, I constantly check it, anticipating some sort of interaction with my friends. In Sherry Turkle’s TED talk, she talks about how technology has negatively impacted today’s society. People of all ages in modern day society are addicted to their phones, and because of this people have lost social skills, changed who they are, and use technology for companionship. Sherry Turkle has been doing research about technology and its effects on our social skills for years. Through her studies, she found that people prefer to talk over the phone and through social media rather than face to face interactions. During her studies, she found that an 18 year old boy said, “someday, someday, but certainly not now, I would...