My Online Presence

As a teenager living through the booming age of technology and social media, I myself
am a big user of social media. I have used just about every form of social media-
Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, Tik Tok- the list goes on. I use social
media as a way to check up on my friends and family to see what they are doing, and I
also follow a few celebrities that I consider to be role models. Social media started as a
fun way to pass time, however millions of people are now obsessed with it. People are
constantly checking their phones for notifications from their social media and spend hours
on it at a time. I can even admit to myself that I have accidentally spent more time than
I wanted on social media because I get caught up looking through so many accounts. 

 People’s social media pages are basically giving a shallow explanation of who they are-
or who they want to be. The content of the posts depends on which site you are posting
on. For example, Instagram usually has the “best” version of one’s self, showing the cool
places they go or the new expensive outfit they just got. While on the other hand,
Snapchat is more used for smaller posts, usually things like funny videos or selfies with
friends. People often give out information about their whereabouts online, which has
caused a handful of many illegal activities such as kidnapping or stalking. This can be
dangerous, so I personally do not do that very often. However, when I am on vacation
I post my location because I am travelling somewhere cool, and I want people to see
that. I do not ever post my phone number or email address on social media because
there are people out there that will use that information for the wrong purposes.

Social media has also led to what seems to be a competition. The amount of likes
you receive on a post reflects how good your picture is, or in other words how good
you look. This causes people to compare themselves to others, and oftentimes it can
lower people’s self-esteem. Not only this, but studies have shown that social media can
cause depression, and there have been some cases where people even commit suicide
because of social media. Also, social media has proven to cause mental health issues,
but it is also proven that we as a society have become more isolated. Having social
media at our fingertips allows us to talk and see people through the phone rather than in
person. When you talk to others online, it is not a real conversation you are having with
someone, but rather it is carefully chosen words that one says before hitting send. In a
real conversation you do not have much time to think about what you are going to say
like you do with conversations online. Many people enjoy not having the stress of
interacting like this, but in reality it is only making us farther apart. Although social media
has become so popular around the world, people have to be careful what they post and
how their posts could affect themselves or others.
Is social media all bad? | Community – Gulf News


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