Our Relationship With Technology
Growing up in the generation of technology, using devices has always been a usual part of our daily lives and I could not imagine it any other way. My generation was the last to use flip phones and I even remember getting my very first iPhone and how excited I was. My two older sisters, who are a part of the millennial generation, did not grow up with technology the way that I did. Because of that, we tend to treat technology differently. For example, I use my phone much more often than they do and I am also very much more present in the social media community. I check my social media accounts every few hours, if not hourly, while they only check there's a few times a day at most. They always tell me that I am on my phone too much and that my relationship with my phone is unhealthy, but I don’t think it is. Compared to some of my friends and other people my age I am considered to barely be on my phone at all. The reason I check my social media so often is b...